As a first time home owner you're going to need to be on top of a lot of things. You have to pay the bills regularly every month, you need to fix anything that gets broken in your home, you have to maintain the lawn at all times, etc. It's your house and you don't want it to deteriorate in any way. There's nothing worse than a lazy home owner.
When it comes to making repairs or renovations in your home the biggest asset you'll have working in your favor is your toolbox. You never know when you might have to fix a leaky faucet or install a new bathroom vanity mirror set. Some repairs or renovations you can plan for while others just spring up.
You need to be prepared either way to ensure that you get on top of any repairs or renovations in your condo quickly and efficiently. A leak goes quickly from bad to far worse. The first thing you should know about the tools you'll be collecting to put into your toolbox is that you need to buy quality tools. Dollar store tools won't cut it as they are usually made out of poor quality materials. You need tools that will last you a lifetime.
If you've never owned a toolbox before then walking into a hardware store might be daunting. That's why we're going to let you know which tools are a must for your toolbox so that if something does need to get fixed - you'll have the right tools for the job.
First off, every toolbox must have a measuring tape. As a first time home owner you're probably going to be buying a lot of furniture. You need to know the size of your home so that any furniture you buy will fit in your home and through your front door. After that you need to get a hammer, a screwdriver set, an electric cordless drill with all the right bits, a wrench set, needle nose pliers, a utility knife and a level.
Those tools will make up the basic toolbox that you will need whenever a repair or renovation project comes up in your property. You just never know when the situation will arise where you have to make sure a piece of artwork you need to hang up in your bedroom needs to be leveled or the pipes in the bathroom need to be tightened.
There are going to be plenty of scenarios during the course of your time living in your new home where you're going to need a tool of some sort to fix or renovate something in your home. As long as you have a toolbox with the right tools everything will be fine.

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